Global ENT
Our Mission
GEO mission is to saves lives and prevents avoidable deafness from ear disease for those affected by poverty and lack of care so they can reach their full human potential!
Our Vision
GEO vision is to provide access to quality ear healthcare for all, especially those affected by poverty and lack of care, by providing humanitarian ear surgery and training in country doctors.
Our Approach
Designing Bone Labs
Teaching surgical skills
GEO from the ground up helps design, develop, and build temporal bone labs for teaching purposes in both academic and non academic settings.
From the temporal bone lab where the anatomy of the middle ear is learned to the operating theater where technique is refined, GEO is helping to advance surgical skills.
The GEO advisory network helps build and structure the curriculum for academic training programs in both Otology and Otolaryngology.
Post Doctorate
GEO helps support underserved communities lacking specialists by connecting experienced ENT and otology fellows in needed communities.
Humanitarian surgery
Many communities are underserved and when it comes to ear disease GEO has provided surgery pro bono for those who lack access and funds for care.
Global News
6th International Bone Course
Pacific Neuroscience Institute, Los Angeles, is co-hosting GEO the 7th International T Bone Course for foreign and US based residents and ENT. The course is in March 2025.To register click here.
South America
Zoom Conferences monthly in Spanish
GEO along with its partners at the Hospital de Clinicas in Asunción, Paraguary and in La Paz, Bolivia, host a monthly Zoom conference in Spanish on interesting cases in Otology. Join us and learn or present an interesting case by contacting us.
British Partnership
Misha Verkerk who just returned to London from a one year Otology fellowship in Australia is the GEO representative in the UK and along with Otologist Jeremy Levy, help direct the Ukraine and Ethiopia programs.
Wars in Ukraine and Northern Ethiopia
Wars in Northern Ethiopia and in Ukraine have halted GEO's outreach programs in these countries. We will resume our programs once the situation has stabilized. Stay tuned.
Paraguay Otology Teaching
GEO along with FORL host a temporal bone course in Asunción, Paraguay, in August of each year. Following the course there is the National ENT Congress.
Calendar 2024
February • Cancelled
March • Zoom
April • Bone Course-Los Angeles, Ca
May • Conference- Bergamo, Italy
June • Zoom
August • Paraguay
September • Zoom
October • Zoom
November • Bolivia Trip-Zoom
December • Zoom